old bangladesh

Chawk Bazar-1904 (Beside this road today's Sheikh Burhanuddin College is located. We know this road as Nazimuddin Road today)

Dhaka College-1904

Dhakeswari Mandir-1904

Lalbag Kella- 1872

Mit Ford Hospital-1904 (where present day Salimullah Medical College is located)

NorthBook Hall- 1904 (the area we know as NorthBook Hall Road today)
A british officer's mess in Dhaka- 1934

Old Dhaka College campus- 1872

Pari Bibi'r Mazar-1904 (inside Laalbag Kella)
An unidentified street scene of Dhaka- 1872

Chawk Bazar, Dhaka- 1885
Tongi Bridge on Turag river- 1885 (this is the same road we use now a days to communicate between Airport to Jaydevpur)
Deer Park of Nawab of Dhaka- 1875 (A place at Shahbag where perhaps present day's Ramna Park is located)

Buriganga river side- 1880

Narinda (present day Old Dhaka) Christian graveyard- 1875
St. Thomas Church- 1872

Steel Bridge on Dholai Khal- 1904 (that bus condactor's call Lohar Pool today)

River Padma- 1860
A Bangladeshi village- 1860

A group of Bangladeshi villagers- 1860 (making Hooka from coconut)

Gorai River, Kushtia- 1860
An educated Bangladeshi of 1860

Another Bangladeshi of 1860
This is another picture of the Tongi bridge taken in the 1880s (from that thread). Wikipedia says about a bridge built by Mir Jumla there in the 1660s. Is the remains in the foreground that old bridge ?

Crocodile Eats Golfer - Analysis

: Photograph of 'Ole Mose'

Zoologist and crocodile expert Adam "He Oughta Know" Britton tells us the email tale is fake but the photo is real. According to Britton, the incident captured on film couldn't have happened in Florida.

How does he know?

Because the particular species of crocodile in the image, Crocodylus porosus, is native to Indonesia. Plus, says Britton, there has never been a crocodile-caused fatality in Florida (alligator attacks are a different story).

The photograph was taken in Kalimantan (Borneo) in 1997. Nothing else is known about it. The email story was attached anonymously in July 1998 and the two have circulated together ever since.

For a clue as to how such a tasteless joke might have come about, look no further than the fact that alligators are not only plentiful in Florida, but are frequently sighted on golf courses. Tourists have even been bitten on occasion. Our email author was evidently aware of this, but made the mistake of confusing alligators with their cousins, the crocodiles -- of which there are only a few hundred left in Florida and none at all north of the Everglades.

Even so, the story rings true for enough many readers that a West Palm Beach hotel and golf course called the Breakers, whose name is mentioned in one popular version of the email, complains of receiving a steady stream of credulous phone calls from the day the story first appeared. "I compare this prank to tabloid journalism," a spokesperson for the resort complained to reporters. "When you're at the top of the heap, someone wants to knock you down."

The reputation of the endangered American crocodile hasn't exactly benefitted from the hoax, either.

Interesting discovery

FYI. Just got this Email, only God knows better about this story, but check it out:

Recent gas exploration activity in the south east region of the Arabian desert uncovered a skeletal remains of a human of phenomenal size. This region of the Arabian desert is called the Empty Quarter, or in Arabic, 'Rab-Ul-Khalee'. The discovery was made by the Aramco Exploration team. As God states in the Quran that He had created people of phenomenal size the like of which He has not created since. These were the people of Aad where Prophet Hud was sent. They were very tall, big, and very powerful, such that they could put their arms around a tree trunk and uproot it. Later these people, who were given all the power, turned against God and the Prophet and transgressed beyond all boundaries set by God. As a result they were destroyed.

Ulema's of Saudi Arabia believe these to be the remains of the people of Aad. Saudi Military has secured the whole area and no one is allowed to enter except the ARAMCO personnel. It has been kept in secrecy, but a military helicopter took some pictures from the air and one of the pictures leaked out into the internet in Saudi Arabia. See the attachment and note the size of the two men standing in the picture in comparison to the size of the skeleton !!

Giant Human Skeleton Found in Arabian Desert

The Bristol Zoo Parking Attendant

Fw: A well-planned retirement

From The London Times:

Outside the Bristol Zoo, in England, there is a parking lot for 150 cars and 8 coaches, or buses.

It was manned by a very pleasant attendant with a ticket machine charging cars 1 pound (about $1.40) and coaches 5 (about $7).

This parking attendant worked there solid for all of 25 years. Then, one day, he just didn't turn up for work.

"Oh well", said Bristol Zoo Management - "we'd better phone up the City Council and get them to send a new parking attendant..."

"Err ... no", said the Council, "that parking lot is your responsibility."

"Err ... no", said Bristol Zoo Management, "the attendant was employed by the City Council, wasn't he?"

"Err ... NO!" insisted the Council.

Sitting in his villa somewhere on the coast of Spain, is a bloke who had been taking the parking lot fees, estimated at 400 pounds (about $560) per day at Bristol Zoo for the last 25 years. Assuming 7 days a week, this amounts to just over 3.6 million pounds ($7 million).

And no one even knows his name.

Analysis: If ever there was a story too good to be true, this is it. Not only have reporters at the Bristol Evening Post concluded the tale of the phantom car park attendant is "nothing more than an urban myth," they've also pinned down its point of origin: the Bristol Evening Post!

"A version of the story did appear in the Evening Post two years ago," explains an article in the June 13, 2009 edition of the paper, "in a feature on urban myths published to coincide with April Fools' Day."

So it's a two-year-old April Fools prank gone viral, and nothing more. For the record, the article also states that Bristol Zoo has several car parks — none of which are open to coaches — with several duly-hired attendants on duty.

Japanese Fashion Craze: Fake See-Through Skirts!

Subject: Crazy ideas from Japan...

Another Crazy Fashion from Japan

What you see below are not see-thru skirts. They are actually prints on the skirts to make it look as if the panties are visible and the current rage in Japan.

IMAGE: Japanese fashion craze - imitation see-through skirts IMAGE: Latest fashion craze in Japan - fake see-thru skirts

Amazing Tsunami Picture

Amazing Tsunami Picture

Amazing Tsunami Picture


Stories about a supposedly secret Russian craft called an "ekranoplan" are regularly featured on websites, blogs and online forums. Information about the craft also circulate via email, often with the following image attached The strange-looking craft might seem like something from science fiction, but ekranoplans are real and the photograph is genuine. Although they may resemble aircraft, ekranoplans are in fact ground-effect vehicles that fly a few feet above any flat surface. Very basically, air compressed under a wing moving near the surface provides lift to the craft.

The ekranoplan in the photograph is a Soviet vehicle seen on the Caspian Sea during the 1960's. An article about the craft on The Register notes:
During the mid-1960s chilly height of the Cold War, US photo reconnaisance spotted a strange apparition on the shores of the Caspian Sea - a gigantic 100m-long aircraft with inexplicably truncated square wings. US Intelligence dubbed the beast the "Caspian Sea Monster", unaware that the Russians were developing not, as they thought, an enormous conventional seaplane, but rather a 550-ton water-hugging behemoth designed to use the ground effect to skim the ocean at high speed, undetected by radar.
The Russians are not the only ones to built such craft. Others have continued to develop them to this day.

For an in depth analysis and history of ekranoplans, see:
In search of the Caspian Sea Monster

Other ekranoplan resources:
Wikipedia: Ekranoplan
YouTube video of an Ekranoplan

Massive Man Made Holes

10 Things a boss shouldn’t say to his employees

10 Things a boss shouldn’t say to his employees Are you a boss? Whether you have just hired your first employee or managed a team for several years, your ability to do your job is closely connected with your ability to interact with your subordinates. It is not fun to be a boss who is not respected or liked, right? And while every person and every company is different, there are 10 basic things that you shouldn’t say to your employees.

1. “You should work better.”
If you can’t explain what you want from your employees, don’t wait for outstanding results. Of course, you understand that the phrase “You should work better” actually means “Guys, be active, take the initiative, generate new ideas to make our company thrive and grow.” However, your employees are not telepathists to understand your guidelines without words. They will think that you are very difficult to please no matter what they do. If you want your employees to be creative, you need to explain clearly what goals you want to reach. So instead of saying “Generate some good ideas”, you need to be more exact: “Generate how to increase our website traffic.”

2. "We have always done it this way."
If an employee comes in with a new solution to a problem, listen to him. Different people have different approaches. Other ways of doing something may be even more efficient than the current one. Give an honest evaluation to the new method even if it's different from yours.

3. “Do something.”
Make sure that every employee clearly understands his individual responsibilities. Don’t forget to set time frames for projects and tasks, deadlines and quality guidelines. Otherwise, you both can waste your energy and time. This shortcoming could affect the work of the entire team.

4. “It works because I am genius.”
Take time to recognize your employees’ efforts. Just because you are the boss doesn't mean that you deserve all the credit for the work. Of course, you give guidelines to make sure that everything will be done well, but your employees are doing the actual work. Don’t let it go unrecognized. It will motivate your employees to achieve more productivity.

5. “You are doing it wrong.” (It is said several times a day).
If you are constantly correcting your employees or interfering in their work, it will undercut their confidence. Listen to the reasons for their action - most of the time there was a logical basis for what they decided to do.

6. "Are you going home already? It’s just 8 p.m.”
Like it or not, but many people have personal lives besides work. If you constantly ask your employees to work late or cancel their vacations, you will ruin your relationships. Keep in mind that money is not the only factor in retaining good employees. Most people want to be treated with respect by their boss.

7. “Tell me what is going on between you two?”
Sometimes one of your employees may experience friction with others. If it is an issue of competition or a personality clash, let them work out issues without your intervention. However, if someone is not fulfilling his responsibilities, you need to step in.

8. “Who did you vote for?"
A new administration has taken over, but no matter what you think about it, save the politics for your personal blog. Even if the discussion didn’t escalate into arguments, you could make somebody feel uncomfortable.

9. “My wife is cheating on me.”
In small businesses all workers are close to each other. However, it doesn’t mean that you should share intimate details with your employees. Keep distance. You are not their close friend – you are their boss.

10. Keep silence.
Even if you don’t want to alarm your employees, it is not a good idea to keep silence about the current situation. It will feed their fears and anxiety. In the absence of information from you, employees will find their own sources and jump to the wrong decision.

Most of people spend the majority of their time at work, so no wonder that they want to spend these hours in a pleasant atmosphere. How can you get the best stuff on earth? By being the best boss for them.

i hope that article must read by my boss mr abdul samad gadit :)

mind set


As my friend was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a rope tied to their legs. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from the ropes they were tied to but for some reason, they did not.

My friend saw a trainer nearby and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just sood there and made no attempt to get away.

“Well”, he said, “When they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

My friend was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were. The powerful and gigantic creature has limited its present abilities by the limitations of its past.

Like the elephants, how many of us go through life holding onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply we failed at it once before? How many of us refuse to attempt something new and challenging because of our so called MINDSET?

Your attempt may fail, but never fail to make an attempt…

CHOOSE not to accept the false boundaries and limitations crated by the past…

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